Healing through Art

ArtLords Mural at PoPH square in Afghanistan

About the campaign

Purpose: To organize art therapy sessions for Afghan refugees across the United States and in third countries, offering solace and a path towards healing for those traumatized by war and displacement.

Description: The scars of war are not always visible. Healing Through Art focuses on the psychological restoration of Afghan refugees through art therapy. This campaign seeks to fund sessions led by professional therapists and artists, providing refugees with tools for expression, coping, and healing. Your donation offers more than aid—it offers a path to healing and hope.

How to contribute

Empower healing and hope. Your support today enables us to extend therapeutic art programs to those in dire need of healing.

By tailoring each campaign to address specific needs—immediate assistance for artivists in danger and psychological healing for refugees—ArtLords can effectively communicate the urgency and the impact of each donation, encouraging generosity and engagement from a global community committed to making a difference through art.

About the Organizer

ArtLords, a movement of self-styled “artivists,” champions the cause of defending artistic freedom and democracy through street art in Afghanistan and across the world. We wield art as a powerful instrument to educate, engage communities, and foster shared experiences. ArtLords confronts challenging social and political issues head-on, embracing art’s transformative power to address these concerns. At the core of our mission lies a deep-seated vision for healing, peace, and the steadfast support of democratic values and artistic expression.

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